NHL Alumni

New Hope And Life School of Religion Theology & Seminary

Dr. Agnes Taylor, President
NHL Alumni Association was founded in 1997 by Dr. Claudine Head, president of New Hope And Life School of Religion Theology & Seminary. For many years, Dr. Head entrusted the Alumni Association to many. It wasn’t until 2016 under the leadership of Dr. Agnes Taylor that NHL Alumni Association began to work to fulfill its vision. Dr. Taylor saw the vision of NHL Alumni Association (NHLAA). Dr. Taylor organized former graduates of the Seminary and began the process of organizing events and projects to help new students with scholarships toward their tuition.
Whether you’re an alum, friend, or student, membership in NHLAA is a great way to show NHL PRIDE. Your membership is also a vote for the value of an NHL Education and enables the Alumni Association to do great things for our alumni, students, and alma mater. Membership offers many great benefits.
On-Line Resources:
Our goal is to create an ONLINE Resource Center to re-connect with former Alumni, find old classmates, and net work with an on-line alumni directory.
Alumni Service Award:
Create an Alumni Service Award for a deserving teacher, and student. Every year, professors and students go the extra mile to make sure NHL is offering the best service it can provide. Our goal is to present the award at every commencement.
Award Criteria:
Nominees must have received a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from New Hope And Life School of Religion Theology & Seminary (NHL). Nominations may be made by anyone except the nominee and must be submitted in the form of an Alumni Award Form.
NHL Alumni Membership is $50 annually. Membership fees are due by March 30th of each year.
Election of Officers:
Every two years, NHL Alumni Association will elect officers to serve in elected areas within the Association. As we move forward, we will create criteria for election.
Current Elected Officers
Dr. Celestine Brown, Vice President
Minister Levi Harvey, Event Planner
Dr. Barbara Hampton, Intercessor
Dr. Mildred Celestine Brown, Intercessor
Dr. Barbara Shaw, Care & Concern
Dr. Lenora Rutherford
Mission Statement:
Cultivate an awareness of New Hope and Life’s School history, it’s accomplishments, programs and offerings by stimulating interest, building loyalty and increasing involvement and support for the Seminary.
Declaration of Purpose:
The purpose of the New Hope and Life Alumni Association (NHLAA) is to assist in the ongoing existence of New Hope and Life School of Religion Theology & Seminary through the provision of ourselves to continuous learning and facilitating excellence in learning the principals of Kingdom Building.
Governing Values:
“Study to show thyself approved by God, a workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15
“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will yet be wiser, teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” Proverbs 9:9
“I thank my God in every remembrance of you.” Philippians 1:3
“An attitude of Gratitude.” Luke 17: 11-19
For more information about NHL Alumni Association
Dr. Agnes Taylor, President
Soul Saving Center of Christ
909 43rd Place N.E.
Washington, DC 20019
(202) 388-5664