NHLC Chaplaincy Association under the governance of New Hope And Life School of Religion Theology & Seminary is ACCREDITED by Chaplaincy Training Institute (CTI). We are committed to the educational growth and development of men and women working in Ministry. Our oneness in Christ does not destroy our individuality. It allows us to share our gift to each other and to the world that needs our care and love.

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of the most superb classics on the subject of Human Kindness in all literature. We easily show compassion on those we love, but compassion can be difficult to offer to strangers or to people against whom we might feel a trace of prejudice. It can be easy to justify a lack of compassion–we are too busy, we don’t want to risk helping, we don’t want to give too much, we don’t like “those” people. But Jesus’ answer to the lawyer’s questions reveals that a neighbor is anyone of any race, creed, or social background; and a neighbor in need requires our compassion. We can show compassion on others by releasing our agenda to help them. It may mean giving time or resources; it may mean going out on a limb. As we follow God’s guidance, we can be wise in our compassion, doing what will really help others. The first step is to see every person as God’s creation and to be willing to be available when a need arises. God will show us how to do the rest.
Basic Chaplaincy Training
- The Philosophy of Chaplaincy
- Core Values
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Rules Governing Confidentiality
- Ethics
- Basic Christian Counseling
- Crisis Intervention
- Hospital Visitation
- Prison Visitation
- Serving Our Community
- HIPAA Laws & Regulations

Course Outline
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Chaplaincy
- Lesson 2: Chaplain/Volunteer In the Prison
- Lesson 3: Emergency service Chaplain
- Lesson 4: Emergency Protocols
- Lesson 5: Confidentiality & Ethics
- Lesson 6: Dealing With Suicidal People
- Lesson 7: Death Notifications
- Lesson 8: Biblical Counseling Overview
- Lesson 9: Establishing Relationships
- Lesson 10: Anger/Guilt and Conciseness
- Lesson 11: Gathering Information
- Lesson 12: Pa Linguistic Communications (Halo Data)
- Lesson 13: Personal Data Inventory Forms (PDIF)
- Lesson 14: Biblical Process of Change
- Lesson 15: Critical Situational Stress
- Lesson 16: Traumatic Stress Reactions and Children
- Lesson 17: Grief and Bereavement
- Lesson 18: Healing Conversations
- Lesson 19: Preparing for Approaching Death